Random Violent Cat Behavior

Sometimes well-tempered pet cats display occasional acts of aggression toward other cats or their owners. These violent outbursts may be signs of an underlying condition in the cat rather than being indicative of a cat who is simply ill-tempered.
  1. Cause

    • The cause of aggression in cats may happen because of territorial instincts, especially when a new pet is introduced into the household. In other cases, aggressive tendencies may result from the cat being in some sort of pain or distress.


    • Giving a cat her own space away from other animals may curb the unwanted behavioral patterns. Finding alternatives to corporal punishment for bad behavior may also reduce inappropriate behavior.


    • Cat scratches can transmit certain types of diseases including the aptly named cat scratch fever. Always take your pet to a veterinarian when you notice odd behaviors as they often point toward a serious medical problem.