Erratic Cat Behavior

Cat owners will be the first to tell you that cat behavior is often strange, but sometimes it can be downright erratic and a bit of a concern. When a cat begins exhibiting erratic behavior, it may be an indication that something is wrong or it may be completely normal (at least by cat standards). There are, however, times when a cat's erratic behavior is a sign of illness. It is important to know how to recognize these situations and to know when to seek veterinary assistance for your cat.
  1. Erratic Attacks

    • Many erratic cat behaviors are completely healthy. For instance, a cat will sometimes begin suddenly running about, flipping through the air, pouncing and jumping through the house. To a human, this type of erratic behavior seems completely insane, as though the cat has lost its mind. In fact, this is just a way that cats can keep healthy, it's no stranger than jogging is for humans.

    Apparent Hallucinations

    • Other times it can appear that a cat is attacking an invisible prey. This doesn't mean that a cat is hallucinating, it simply means that something has caught its eye, like a reflecting light or a floating dust particle. This kind of erratic behavior is not something to worry about, but actually shows that you have a healthy, active cat.

    Erratic Eating Habits

    • While most erratic cat behavior is completely healthy, there are some types of erratic behavior that should concern you--particularly if your cat's eating habits become erratic. Overeating or refusing to eat can be signs of illness.

    Erratic Physical Behaviors

    • While cats are known as prolific sleepers, erratic changes in a cat's sleep habits are a possible symptom of illness. You should be concerned if your cat is sleeping more than 20 hours in a day. If your cat is showing erratic physical behavior, such as an unwillingness to jump from the heights that it normally does or walking in a strange manner, it could be the sign of an injury or illness. In this case it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.


    • There are certain situations in which you should immediately seek a veterinarian's help for your cat. If your cat appears to have had a seizure, this is more than erratic behavior, you should take it to the veterinarian immediately. Remember that you know your cat's behavior better than anyone else. If you suspect that something is wrong, even if it is something that might be completely normal, it is best to take your cat to the vet. Cat's are sensitive animals and it is better to be safe than sorry when dealing with their health.