Why Does My Cat Bite My Hair?

A cat's behavior can be perplexing at times. If your cat is biting your hair, it may be a simple act of affection or a sign that your pet needs some attention.
  1. Grooming

    • Cats often bite their fur when grooming. Being social animals, cats often groom other cats, which includes biting their fur. Sometimes they also try to groom humans.

    Wool Sucking

    • The feline equivalent to sucking a thumb, many cats spend time in a repetitive behavior called "wool sucking." Sometimes it may be a blanket or even your hair that a cat becomes orally fixated upon.


    • It is important to monitor this type of behavior, as it may be a warning sign that your cat is under stress. Excessive grooming in cats is a common sign of anxiety.


    • The most simple solution is to restrict your cat from getting at your hair. Stimulate your cat by playing and interacting with it. Give your cat a toy for chewing.


    • Avoid disciplining your cat for this behavior. This will only lead to stress and other bad behaviors. The key is to teach your cat to avoid this behavior by displacing it with another, more healthy activity such as play.