Will Dry Cleaning Remove a Cat Urine Smell?

Cats use the smell of urine as markers so they will use the same spot continuously until the smell has been removed. Thoroughly cleaning the area, or dry cleaning fabrics, can help stop your cat from reusing this spot.
  1. Dry Cleaning

    • Dry cleaning can be done on removable fabrics such as seat cushions and duvets. Find a dry cleaner that is accustomed to removing strong odors and uses an ozone machine. The ozone treatment breaks up odor-causing molecules rather than masking them.

    Machine Washing

    • Machine wash clothes and other fabrics with a 1 lb. box of baking soda and regular detergent. Air dry then rewash if you still see or smell the stain. Use an enzyme-based product formulated to remove pet stains.

    Other Solutions

    • For carpets, couches and other stationary items, use an enzyme-based pet product that will sit and soak into the stain before you blot it off.

    Finding the Smell

    • Sometimes the smell of urine is detectable but you are unable to locate the source. Use a black light in the dark to locate the stains--they will glow. Treat with an enzyme-based pet stain removal product.


    • Preventing further pet accidents is important. Cleaning the stains and understanding why your cat is urinating outside of the litter box can help stop the problem. Sometimes cats will quit using the litter box when they are under stress, are ill or don't like the new brand of cat litter in their box.