Homeopathy for Cat Allergies

Cats can develop allergies the same as human beings can. There may be many reasons for their allergies, but, before giving your cat any homeopathic supplements or remedies, consult with a homeopathic veterinarian to find out what your cat is allergic to and what the best route of care may be. Several steps may be taken to help prevent your cat's allergies from becoming worse.
  1. Allergies

    • Cats can be allergic to inhalants such as pollen or dust; they may be allergic to something in their food, or they may have an allergic reaction to an insect bite. The most common form of cat allergies are inhalant allergies. Symptoms caused by allergies include excessive licking and chewing of the skin, hair loss, hot spots, runny nose and sensitive skin, according to vetinfo.com.

    Food Allergies

    • When a cat is allergic to an ingredient in his food you must find what ingredient is causing this allergic reaction. To narrow down the ingredients causing the reaction, start by eliminating food items from his diet such as corn, soy, wheat or chicken. Once you narrow down which ingredient your cat is sensitive to, begin your cat on a diet that does not include the ingredient.

    Fatty Acids

    • Vetinfo.com states that omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to be an effective treatment for cat allergies. The fatty acids work on the cat's skin to reduce the cat's reactions to various chemicals during an allergy. These effects may be noticed within a few weeks after using omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis. Your cat's diet should include high-quality omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish and plant sources. Supplements for your cat are also available that include omega-3. Keep in mind that not all cats will respond to fatty acids.

    Stinging Nettle

    • Stinging nettle is a herbal remedy that is used for arthritis, kidney disease, bladder stones, diabetes, anaemia and can be used as an anti-histamine. It is found across Europe, Japan, Asia and South Africa and appears from June to September as a flower with fine-toothed leaves.

      For cats that suffer from seasonal allergies due to pollen in the air, stinging nettle can be effective in treating your cat's sneezing and congestion. Add the stinging nettle to your cat's water or cat food to treat the allergy symptoms. Stinging Nettle can be ingested through an infusion drink (from both roots and leaves) or a capsule. Consult with your veterinarian on what amount should be given to the cat.

    Flea Bites

    • Cats can oftentimes develop an allergic reaction to flea bites. You can help stop this allergy by keeping the fleas away from your cat. Using a peppermint scented cat shampoo or a shampoo containing Neem Tree Oil can help to keep your cat flea free.

    A Clean Home

    • Keeping your home clean by using cat-friendly cleaning products can help with any environmental allergies your cat may have. Use natural cleaning products and mixing vinegar with water for cleaning counters and sinks. Use baking soda on carpets and furniture before vacuuming to remove odors that may be in your home. Use a steam cleaner to wash your carpets at the end of summer and the end of winter to rid your carpet of any seasonal pollen.