The Best Cat Litter for Cats with CRF

CRF, or chronic renal failure, is the slow breakdown of a cat's kidneys. CRF occurs in older cats, when nephrons in the kidneys stop working. This prevents the kidneys from processing waste correctly. There is no cure for the problem, but several methods are used to slow the process and help the cat feel better. One way to make life easier for the cat is to use non-granulated cat litter, a low litter box and several litter boxes throughout the house. Many kinds of litter can be used, as long as they don't add to the cat's pain.
  1. Clumping Clay

    • Clumping clay is one of the most common forms of cat litter. This is a variation on the original type of cat litter, which was granulated clay. The clumping clay immediately clumps around any waste placed into the litter box, preventing the cat from having to cover its waste. The clumping material also prevents the cat from getting litter stuck between its paws, which provides the cat with the option of less frequent grooming.

    Silica Gel

    • Silica gel litter is made up of sodium silicate, which is often found as beads packed in a vapor-permeable plastic and placed in foods to prevent spoilage, such as vitamins. Silica gel can be toxic if consumed. Occasionally, a cat will start to eat the litter out of the box as a symptom of chronic renal failure. If this occurs, then you should switch litters immediately.


    • One of the premier biodegradable options for cats with CRF is newspaper. This litter is made from recycled newspaper and other papers that have been compressed into pellets. Though this form of litter is not the best for covering the cat's waste, this is not such a large problem with CRF cats, because one of the recommended treatments for cats with renal failure is to change the litter in the box every day.

    Wheat Bran

    • Wheat bran is another material that can be used as a biodegradable option. This is a great litter to use with CRF cats because wheat bran is completely edible. If your cat has been seen eating litter, then wheat bran is the best choice. This litter comes in pellet form, and should also be changed every day, just like any other litter type for cats with CRF.


    • Another biodegradable option is wood. This type of litter either comes in shaving or chip form. Wood shavings tend to be slightly more absorbent, but some cats may not want to use a litter box filled with wood. If your cat seems to resist using a wood-filled litter box, then you should try another type of litter.