Aging Cat & Urinating

Cats experience health problems as they age, and while it may be difficult to think of your cat getting old, it's important to remember. As with people, your cat's habits change with age and inappropriate urination can become a problem. While you may not be able to control this problem completely, it's good to know why it's happening in order to eliminate any other underlying issues.
  1. Senior Cats

    • When a cat reaches 12 to 14 years of age, it begins entering it senior years, according to American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Cats may still be active during these years but their senses may not be as sharp as they used to be. Urinary incontinence is a problem for many aging cats simply because they lose the ability to control their bladder.


    • Cats may suffer from anxiety and fear as they age. Fear of vision, hearing and agility as well as increased pain or other diseases might cause your cat to feel stressed. Your veterinarian can determine if your cat needs help dealing with anxiety. Some medications can relieve stress and help you cat feel more comfortable, according to Pet Education.


    • Keep your cat's litter box as neat and clean as possible. Scoop the box several times a day and add fresh litter weekly. If your cat struggles with getting in and out of its box, one with lower sides may be easier to use. Using floor protection housetraining pads in an area where the cat regularly urinates will protect areas the cat regularly soils. Aluminum foil, double-sided tape, scat mats and heavy plastic may act as deterrents in areas where you cat likes to urinate.


    • Inappropriate urination in older cats might be is a symptom of a serious condition. Many factors besides aging could cause your cat to urinate inappropriately. If you notice any other unusual behavior such as vomiting, diarrhea or decreased water intake, your cat could be suffering from an illness. If your cat strains while urinating or urinates less frequently, you should take it to a veterinarian to ensure the best health and comfort for your cat.


    • Many people may think their cat is urinating inappropriately on purpose because they are lazy. Aging cats may have urination problems for a variety of reasons. Arthritis pain may prevent your cat from entering its litter box. Diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and feline leukemia are just a few of the diseases that strike older cats, according to the TLC Online.