How to Introduce a New Kitten Into a Household With an Aggressive Cat

If you plan to introduce a new kitten into your household, and you already own an aggressive cat, you need to take some precautions. It is likely that your resident cat will not react well if you thrust a new kitten upon it. Allow your cat to gradually become used to the idea of another feline in its environment. It may take weeks or even months; yet, you can avoid countless issues if you take the time to properly introduce cat to kitten.

Things You'll Need

  • Separate room with a closed door
  • Pet crate
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    • 1

      Ensure that your new kitten is healthy before bringing it home. Take it to the vet and have it examined. Get any vaccinations or medication that it needs.

    • 2

      Put your new kitten in a room with a door, and close the door. Place its food, water, litter box, toys and bedding in the room. Do not allow it to have any contact with your resident cat for approximately two weeks. Give the kitten plenty of care and attention even though it will be isolated.

    • 3

      Put the kitten in a pet carrier and open the door to the room. Allow your cat to come into the room and investigate. Your adult cat may hiss and appear upset. This is normal. Allow it to smell the carrier, and the other items in the room. It will likely leave the room after it satisfies its curiosity.

    • 4

      Keep your kitten confined to the room and allow your adult cat to visit each day for another week. Crate the kitten during the visits.

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      Have one person in your household hold your adult feline, while you hold the kitten. Sit approximately 10 feet apart for about 5 minutes. Return the kitten to its room and close the door. Repeat this step the next day, but sit about 8 feet apart for 10 minutes, then return the kitten to its room. Continue decreasing the distance between the cats by about 2 feet each day at 10 minute intervals until they seem comfortable enough to explore the room and each other without your intervention.

    • 6

      Feed them in the same room, but keep their dishes across the room from one another at first. Gradually decrease the distance, over a period of days or weeks, until their food dishes are within 3 to 5 feet of each other without any anxiety from either cat. Take cues from your adult cat. If it shows any aggression or displeasure, you may be moving too fast. Take things more slowly.