Benzoyl Peroxide is an antibacterial product with de-greasing properties and effective against a broad variety of bacteria. It is commonly available as a shampoo or topical gel.
While there are a variety of over-the-counter products containing Benzoyl Peroxide, according to Vetinfo.com, such human formulations are not suitable for treating feline skin disorders since their higher concentrations may be irritating to a cat's skin.
There are Several Benzoyl Peroxide Shampoo for Cats There are however a variety of Benzoyl Peroxide products with formulations suitable for cats. Some examples are Pyoben shampoo, Oxydex shampoo and Sulf-Oxydex shampoo.
Benzoyl Peroxide is typically used in cats to treat feline acne. Cats affected by feline acne typically develop bumps, pimples and black spots on their chins.
Benzoyl Peroxide products should be kept out of the cat's eyes and away from mucous membranes. If an adverse reaction is observed, a veterinarian should be contacted.
Benzoyl Peroxide & Cats
While Benzoyl Peroxide is a common product used in humans to treat skin problems, its use may be helpful as well in cats. However, the topical use of Benzoyl Peroxide in cats should be strictly limited under the guidance of a veterinarian.