Many different types of ivy are nontoxic to cats, including the spider plant, wandering jew, ivy peperomia, spider ivy and grape ivy. These plants may also go by many alternative names including speedy henry, platinum peperomia, ribbon plant, creeping charlie, Venezuela treebine, silver leaf peperomia, ivy leaf and variegated wandering jew.
Some species of fern̵2;but not all̵2;are cat friendly and make great hanging plants. Species of nontoxic ferns include the ball fern, mother ferns, sword ferns, duffii ferns, carrot ferns, holly ferns, Boston ferns, moss ferns, common staghorn ferns and silver table ferns.
Whether hung indoors or out, petunias are another cat-friendly plant. Petunias come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, white, red, coral and additional hybrid colors such as red with white-tipped petals.
Begonias are a nontoxic plant safe for cats, and they come in a variety of colors, including pink, white, coral, red and orange. Common species of begonia include trailing begonia, climbing begonia, peace begonias, mapleleaf begonias, watermelon begonias, metallic leaf begonias, iron cross begonias, elephant ear begonias and pink pearl.
One species of impatiens̵2;buzzy lizzie̵2;is cat friendly and nontoxic. However, only this specific species is nontoxic; other species may still be harmful to cats. Buzzy lizzie may also go by spelling variations such as busy lizzie or lizzy, bizzy lizzy or lizzie; it may also go by the name of patient lucy.
As an outdoor hanging plant, nasturtium is feline friendly and completely nontoxic. Nasturtiums come in several different colors including peach, yellow and orange.
Three varieties of snapdragons̵2;the common snapdragon, withered snapdragon and lesser snapdragon̵2;are all cat friendly and nontoxic. These snapdragons can be hung, grown in pots or in the ground. Common snapdragons are ideal for hanging because they require dryer soil, plus they come in several different colors, including yellow, pink, white, magenta, orange and coral.
Grape Hyacinth
Grape hyacinth is a nontoxic, cat-friendly plant that is actually part of the lily family. These plants only grow to a maximum of 10 inches, making them small enough to be hung. They can thrive in poor conditions if needed, such as cold weather, poor soil or little sunlight.
Which Hanging Plants Are Cat Friendly?
Often times, many people associate hanging plants with cascading, gorgeous flowers and leaves. However, many different plants can be hung in hanging pots̵2;and with the right amount of water and fertilizer, plants you wouldn̵7;t normally think to hang, can flourish. Plus, hanging plants can help keep them away from cats, even if the plant is nontoxic and cat friendly.