Consider switching to a cat food specifically made for hairball prevention. These cat foods contain high amounts of fiber that help your cat pass hair through it's digestive system. As with humans, fiber is one of the best ways to naturally cleanse your digestive system. Always make sure to gradually make the transition to a new cat food by mixing in the new food in small portions. Abruptly changing your cats food can cause stomach complications.
Brush your cat regularly. When your cat grooms itself with it's tongue, it digests excess hair which can form a hairball in the stomach. Removing shedding fur with a brush will help reduce the amount of loose hair that your cat swallows.
Purchase an over the counter hair ball remedy from your local pet store or vet. These products are normally petroleum based and meant to help your cat pass excess hair through their digestive system and into the litter box. If your cat refuses to eat the hairball remedy, try mixing it into their food or putting it on their favorite snack.
Place a small patch of cat grass where your cat has access to it. Cat grass is another great source of natural fiber that will help your cat pass hair through his or her digestive system and prevent hairballs from forming. Cat grass can be purchased at most pet stores.
How to Get Rid of Hairballs
Want to know what causes hairballs and how to prevent them? Hairballs can be painful and even dangerous for your cat. Here are a few tips on how to prevent your cat from developing hairballs.