How to Stop a Cat From Urinating on an Owner's Clothes

Cat urine has a very strong and distinct smell that is hard to remove. When a cat begins urinating outside of her litter box, she may be trying to communicate with you. Stress and illness are common reasons cats sometimes choose alternate places to relieve themselves. It could be on a bed, a fluffy rug, or even her owner̵7;s clothes. It seems that once a cat chooses a place to urinate, she will return there again and again unless you find a way to break the habit. Here are some steps you can try.


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      Take her to the veterinarian. Urinary tract and bladder infections are common illnesses that cause cats to urinate on things such as clothing. Ruling out a medical condition should be your first step to solving the improper elimination problem with your cat. Infections can be treated with medications, which will hopefully solve your problem.

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      Remove the smell of urine. Once a cat has peed on something, he will be able to smell his urine. Unless you have washed the garment with a product designed to remove cat urine, traces of the smell will remain and your cat will return there to do his business. Commercial enzyme products are available at pet stores. You also can add 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to your laundry to remove cat urine.

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      Take a look at her litter box. A dirty litter box will often drive a cat to choose other places to urinate. She may choose your clothes to ensure you know that she has a problem that needs tending to. Clean her litter box daily and see if the situation improves.

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      Try to spend at least 15 quality minutes with your cat each day. Stress over being left alone or an addition of a new pet or baby can cause tension in your cat̵7;s life, leading to litter box problems. Daily attention and petting will go a long way to de-stress your kitty and help her feel secure and loved. Leave toys out for her when you are away.

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      Pick up the clothes. Don̵7;t leave your clothes on the floor where she has access to them. If your cat is peeing on clothes in a laundry basket, make sure all baskets are secure in a closet or behind a closed door. Sometimes removing the temptation from your cat̵7;s sight is enough to stop the situation.