How to Grow Cat Grass Indoors

Cats like to ̶0;graze̶1; on grass and will sometimes chew on your indoor houseplants if they are not provided with their own supply of grass. This is especially true of indoor cats that do not have access to outside grass. Even if your cats do go outside, when you grow your own cat grass indoors, you know it is free of pesticides, fertilizers or any other chemicals that could be poisonous to your cat.

Things You'll Need

  • Pots
  • Potting soil
  • Seeds
  • Spray bottle
  • Water
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      Select a pot that has a drainage hole in the bottom. Fill the pot about three-quarters full of good potting soil. Use soil that does not have any fertilizers or other additives.

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      Sprinkle a thin layer of the seeds on top of the soil. Use seeds specifically sold as ̶0;cat grass̶1; or choose one of the following: oat grass, wheat grass, barley grass, wheat-berry grains or rye grass.

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      Fill a spray bottle with water. Spray the seeds and dampen the soil. You can add a thin layer of soil over the seeds, but it is not necessary.

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      Place the pot in a sunny area that is out of your cat's way. Spray the seeds daily to keep moist.

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      Allow the grass to grow at least 3 inches high before offering the grass to your cat. Continue to water the grass as needed.