Toxic Cleaning Supplies to Avoid

Common household cleaning products are becoming much more in the spotlight because of their potential to be toxic, to both humans and pets alike. Pets spend much of their time in close contact with floors and other surfaces where cleaning products are used. If these products are toxic, then pets get the greatest exposure. Unfortunately research into the area of cleaners and their toxic affect on pets is limited. A few ingredients are known to be toxic to pets. With this information you can make decisions about what cleaning supplies you want to be careful about or avoid in your pet friendly home.
  1. Phenol Derivatives

    • Phenol is a toxic substance used in many cleaners that does a good job of killing germs. It is also linked to many health problems in pets including cats and rabbits. The fumes from phenols can get into the bloodstream through the lungs. Cats especially have a low tolerance for phenols because they can't remove these types of toxins from the blood very well. Lysol and Pine-Sol are two products that contain phenols. If you must use these products, rinse and dry the area well before allowing your pets back into the area.

    Caustic Products

    • Bleach, detergents and toilet bowl cleaners are just a few of the household cleaners that can have caustic reactions in pets. The alkaline or acidic properties of such products can be anywhere from mildly irritating to the skin and lungs to causing severe burns that go deeper into the skin. If ingested in large amounts they can burn the esophagus and digestive tract. Avoid using these products when pets are around.

    Scented Cleaners and Aerosol Products

    • It is especially important for owners of birds to know that parrots and other pet birds are especially susceptible to toxic cleaners. Their lung system is highly efficient, taking in and processing more air through their bodies than mammals. This means that toxic cleaners can cause not just breathing problems for birds, but a quick death. Any product that has chemical fumes or artificial fumes should never be used around a bird. This can include, but is not limited to, furniture cleaners, oven cleaners, carpet cleaners, drain cleaners, and air fresheners. When in doubt, if you can smell the product, do not use it around your bird.