What Is the Best Way to Remove Cat Hair From Bedding?

Cat owners have an ongoing battle with cat hair. Many cat owners don̵7;t mind the constant vacuuming and brushing of their felines to keep the fur around the house under control. Other cat owners would prefer a little less fur, especially in places like the bed which can trigger allergies and asthma. There are some products and tricks cat owners can use or try to remove cat hair from the bedding.
  1. Lint Rollers

    • The same sticky tape lint brush rollers used for your clothes can be used on the bedding. In pet stores or at online retailers, you can even purchase extra long tape rollers just for this purpose. All you have to do is roll the roller on the bed and the fur gets picked up and sticks to the tape. You can then remove the tape and throw it away.

    Wet Wash Cloth

    • Another easy method: Get a washcloth really damp and then rub off the cat hair. The fur will come off the bedding and stick to the rag. Once the rag is full of fur, you can rinse it off in the sink. You will mostly likely have to repeat this process several times to get all of the fur off the bedding.

    Wash the Bedding

    • Washing the bedding is probably the most effective way to remove most or all of the cat fur. Weekly washing will help prevent a buildup a cat hair. Start by taking the bedding outside and shaking off as much of the cat hair as you can. Then load it into the washing machine as you normally would. Don̵7;t overload the machine. To wash off as much cat hair as possible, separate the bedding into several small loads but use the full load settings. Dry the bedding using fabric softener dryer sheets. One your load is done, you will be able to see just how much cat hair came off by checking the dryer's lint catcher. This will need to be cleaned out after each load.


    • A quick trick to prevent cat fur from getting on the bedding is to put a sheet over the made up bed in the morning. This way your cats can lounge on the bed without spreading their fur onto the actual bedding. At night you can remove the sheet and, if the cats are locked out of the room, have a bed free of fur.