How to Stop a Cat From Urinating on Carpet

Felines are enjoyable companions and effective mouse catchers, but an occasional down side can be found simply by following your nose. Generally, cats use their litter boxes, but stress, health problems and the introduction of a new cat into the house could cause her to veer off track and to begin urinating on your favorite rug or carpeting. Strategies to stop that bad habit should include a trip to the veterinarian, a thorough cleaning job and even a little cat psychology.

Things You'll Need

  • Enzyme cleaner
  • Multiple litter boxes
  • Cat litter
  • Aluminum foil
  • Heavy plastic
  • Double-sided tape
  • Pet repellent
  • Scat mat
  • Pop can filled with coins and sealed by tape
  • Whistle
  • Spray bottle
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      Contact your cat's veterinarian at the first sign of her urinating on a rug or carpeting; it could be the result of a urinary tract infection, inflammatory bowel disease or some other treatable malady. Provide treatment to her after any such diagnosis is made.

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      Clean the spot where your cat urinated by using an enzyme cleaner such as Nature's Miracle, Oreck No Return Pet Odor &Stain Remover, Bissell Pawsitively Clean or any similar product available at your pet store. Avoid using any ammonia-based cleaning products because that can mimic the scent of cat urine. Saturate the stained area. Let the enzyme cleaner sit for five minutes, then wipe it up with a cloth or paper towel.

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      Position a new litter box filled with litter near the site of where your cat urinated inappropriately if health issues have been ruled out as a factor. Be sure to clean the box daily and wash it once a week. Avoid using strong-smelling disinfectants.

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      Place your cat's food and water dishes near where she urinated inappropriately. Cats typically do not urinate near where they eat or drink.

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      Position aluminum foil, thick plastic, scat mats, double-sided tape or pet repellents near the spot on the rug or carpet where she inappropriately urinates. Any of those options prevent her from gaining access to the problem area.

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      Toss a pop can filled with coins and sealed by tape in her direction, being careful to avoid hitting her, if you see her urinating on the carpet or rug. Also consider blowing a whistle or spraying her with water from a water bottle. These steps may startle her and make her associate something unpleasant with urinating in the problem area.

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      Deny your cat access to the room with the rug or carpet on which she has urinated inappropriately. Confine her to a bathroom or utility room equipped with a cat box and source of food and water. Once it is clear she is using the cat box properly, grant her more access to other parts of your house, including eventually the room where she urinated inappropriately.