How to Get the Skunk Smell Out of a Cat

Of all the indignities that can happen to a cat, getting sprayed by a skunk is probably one of the worst. Cats are notorious neat freaks and particularly do not enjoy being covered in one of the worst scents known to man. Fortunately for you and your cat, there are fairly simply ways in which to remove the foul odor.

Things You'll Need

  • Tomato juice
  • Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Sealed 1-qt. bottle of hydrogen peroxide
  • Container
  • Baking soda
  • Dish soap
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      Cover the cat in tomato juice and allow it to soak for about five minutes. Be sure to work the juice into the cat's fur. Rinse the juice well and then rewash the kitty with its regular shampoo. It may be possible to still smell the odor after washing the cat; therefore, the process may need to be repeated again.

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      Wash the cat in soda that is similar to 7UP or Sprite. Pour the soda over the cat and allow it to soak for a few minutes. Use water to remove the soda, then bathe the cat with its normal shampoo.

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      Use a mixture of one part vinegar to one part water on the cat to remove the skunk scent. Let the mixture sit on the cat for a couple of minutes before you wash it off.

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      Open the bottle of hydrogen peroxide and pour it into a container along with 1 tsp. of dish soap and 1/4 cup of baking soda. Use this mixture to bathe your cat, leaving it on for about five minutes. Be careful not to get the solution into your cat's eyes, ears or mouth. Let the cat soak a few minutes longer if you are still able to detect the scent. Thoroughly rinse the solution off of your cat and repeat if you still smell the odor.