What Can You Put on the Floors to Keep a Cat From Urinating on It?

If you have a cat who urinates outside of the litter box, you know very well how frustrating this can be. It may seem as though all your attempts to prevent this behavior are futile. As long as your cat does not have a medical condition that is causing the behavior, such as a urinary tract infection or bladder stones, you may be able to prevent the inappropriate urination by using certain products in the places your kitty eliminates.
  1. Properly Cleaning the Floor

    • Perhaps the most important aspect in preventing inappropriate urination is properly cleaning the areas in which your cat relieves itself. This involves using an enzymatic cleaner that can be sprayed on the flooring. Even if you think you have thoroughly cleaned the spot, it is almost definite that your cat will still be able to smell the odor unless you use an enzymatic cleaner. If your cat can still smell the urine on the spots in which it eliminated, it will think that it is acceptable to go there again. For this reason, removing the smell is essential.

      Totally removing the odor can be extremely difficult if your cat urinates on carpeting. The urine can travel down into the padding and can even settle on the floor below the carpet. While enzymatic cleaners are effective at removing odors, they may not be able to travel all the way down to the padding or beyond. Therefore, professional cleaning may be necessary or even removal of the carpet.

    Deterrent Sprays

    • If your feline continues to urinate inappropriately, there are sprays that can be applied to prevent it from going to the areas. Pheromone sprays are effective in calming cats and making them feel more balanced. In addition, if these sprays are applied to your cat's urination areas, it will usually prevent it from eliminating there. Cats notoriously detest the smell of oranges, therefore, spraying an orange or citrus scent may deter it from going near the old spot. In addition, bitter apple spray or a mixture of half water and half vinegar may keep the kitty away. Do not use any ammonia-based products, as their scent may actually encourage the cat to urinate since it is similar to cat urine. You can also try placing foil or double-sided tape in the areas, as most cats dislike these surfaces.

    Back to the Box

    • Be sure to keep your cat's litter box clean. Some cats will not urinate in their boxes if they are full of urine and stool. In addition, be sure to have one litter box per cat in your household, along with one extra. In other words, if you have two cats, you should have three boxes. If your cat likes houseplants, placing soil in the litter box may entice it to return. Whatever the cause of the inappropriate urination, be sure to act swiftly in order to remedy the problem. The issue will likely become resolved easier if it has not been going on for a long period of time.