How to Detect Diabetes in Cats

Diabetes affects the body's ability to produce insulin and regulate blood sugar levels. The condition affects humans and animals, especially those that are overweight. Be alert to the symptoms of diabetes to ensure the health of your cat. With proper treatment and diet, you can control -- but not cure -- the condition.


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      Notice whether your cat is more thirsty than usual. Increased thirst is a significant symptom of diabetes, so pay attention if you're filling the water bowl more often than usual.

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      Check the litter box for an increase in urine, which accompanies the increase in thirst.

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      Take note of changes in your cat's behavior. Lethargy and weakness, which may result in decreased activity, are symptoms of diabetes. Cats that are sleeping more and playing less may need to be checked by the vet.

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      Examine your cat's coat. Diabetes can cause changes, such as increased hair loss.