How to Avoid Cat Allergies

According to BBC News, a 2007 Imperial College of London study of 2,000 people found that 25 percent had difficulty breathing due to cat allergens. Any pet owner knows that it is difficult to get rid of a beloved cat, even if the owner is allergic to feline dander. There is no way to completely avoid cat allergens if you own a cat, but an alternative to pet removal is to make changes in the home by both controlling your cat and getting treatment.

Things You'll Need

  • Dry cat shampoo
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      Confine the cat to areas of the home that are uncarpeted. Do not allow cats in bedrooms; this will keep the animal from spreading allergens by sleeping on blankets, pillows and laundry.

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      Launder any items of clothing that come in contact with the cat on the hottest setting. Bed sheets and blankets should also be washed weekly on the highest temperature setting since allergens from the cat can transfer from your clothes and hair.

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      Avoid cloth-covered furniture that can absorb allergens. Purchase easy-to-clean faux leather or wood furniture.

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      Wash the cat weekly with a dry cat shampoo that is designed to remove allergens from the fur and skin of the animal.

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      Visit an allergist and inquire about allergy shots for cat dander. By injecting the allergen directly, the body will be able to build up an immunity against the dander.