Why Does Your Cat Defecate Outside the Litter Box?

Having problems with your cat defecating outside of the litter box? Read on to learn some of the more common reasons why your kitty might be doing this and see if you can help solve this dilemma.
  1. Consult a Vet

    • Take the cat to the vet to rule out serious medical conditions which may cause the cat to avoid the litter box.


    • Common reasons why cats defecate outside of their litter boxes include a dirty box, disliking the litter, being used to going someplace else, medical issues and stress.


    • When cats get used to defecating outside of their litter boxes, they usually return to the same place every time. Fixing this issue is important if you want to prevent them from defecating outside of the box all the time.


    • Keep in mind your cat's age, temperament and whether there have been recent changes in your environment. A new pet or family member can sometimes cause cats to act out in this way.


    • Keep the litter box clean. Try a different litter. Try moving the litter box to a different room, preferably somewhere private and quiet. Keep the cat's environment as stress-free as possible.