How to Clean a Litterbox

Cats are meticulous when it comes to continual grooming. It is in a cat's nature to clean up after themselves. If the cat is kept indoors, it is essential to provide it with a clean and sanitary litterbox. A cat has a great sense of smell, so the litterbox must remain clean and fresh smelling or it will be ignored and an alternative location will be found.

Things You'll Need

  • Litterbox
  • Litter Liner
  • Scooper
  • Bleach
  • Disinfectant Spray
  • Bristle Brush
  • Rubber Gloves
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      Check the litterbox daily to determine if it needs cleaning simply by removing any solid waste or if it needs a more thorough cleaning. The number of cats using the same litterbox will determine if a simple cleaning or an in-depth cleaning is necessary.

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      Clean a litterbox, using the simple method, by removing the solid waste using a scooper. Add a new layer of litter. This method is viable once or twice before a full cleaning is necessary but that all depends on the condition of the litter.
      If the litterbox experiences frequent use which causes the litter to clump and smell due to excessive urination, the litterbox will need full cleaning.

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      Begin a full-cleaning process by putting on rubber gloves and removing the litterbox liner and placing it in a garbage bag made of sturdy material for disposal. If using newspaper instead of plastic litterpan liners or no liner at all, remove any clumped litter stuck to the bottom of the litterbox.

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      Using a water hose, fill the litterbox with water and liquid detergent. Use the bristle brush to scrub the rim and the inside of the litterbox to remove any stains or dried-on substance. If the litterbox has a detachable plastic-covered lid, hose it down and scrub the insides and the entryway area used by the cats.

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      Rinse the litterbox then refill with water plus bleach to sanitize it. Use the bristle brush to disperse the bleach water around the interior of the litterbox. Rinse thoroughly and let dry.
      If you prefer to use a disinfectant spray instead of bleach, once the litterbox is fully cleaned and dry, lightly spray the inside with disinfectant.
      Place a clean plastic liner or alternative liner inside the litterbox and fill with fresh litter.