How to Keep Cats Out Of A Garden

Few gardeners like having cats use their yard as a litter box. The smell, the mess and the digging can frustrate those who enjoy a beautifully landscaped space. Find safe and attractive ways to keep cats from ruining your garden, then pass them on to neighbors whose yards may be the next stop for the neighborhood felines.


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      Plant pungent herbs and plants that cats don't like. Buy rosemary, sage and pepper plants, which you may enjoy but cats will avoid.

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      Set up a motion-detecting sprinkler. The sprinkler will spray water when it detects movement, scaring away cats and perhaps deterring them in the long run because of their dislike of water.

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      Cover exposed soil with chicken wire. Lay down the wire and cover it with a layer of mulch to discourage digging and trespassing by cats.

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      Purchase an ultrasonic repellent, which emits a high-frequency sound that cats dislike but humans cannot hear. The devices, which are motion-activated, are sold at garden stores.