How to Get Rid of Mice With Kitty Litter

Cats were domesticated primarily to deal with rodent problems. Back in the day, if you had mice, your only real solution was to get yourself a cat. But today's kitties are often more pampered than those of days gone by, and while their mouse-hunting instincts may still be strong, their urge to do so may be lessened by the presence of store-bought food in their bowl. Alternately, you may be kindly-disposed toward mice in your home and want to get rid of them without killing them. In either case, kitty littler can be used to evict the unwanted rodents with little fuss.

Things You'll Need

  • Used kitty littler
  • Plastic bowls or trays
  • Gloves
  • Scoops
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    • 1

      Determine the presence of mice in your home. Mice are very good at avoiding humans, but you can spot them by the droppings they leave near food, nests of soft chewed material that they make in hidden places (such as the backs of drawers or inside walls), signs of gnawing on wood, or an overall stale smell within your house.

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      Find the most likely entrances for mice into your house. Check outside for likely spots: holes in the foundation, cracks under doors or windows, and heating vents. Mice can slip in through very tiny entrances, so check carefully.

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      Put on a pair of gloves and get a scoop you don't mind using for dirty work (a garden spade works well, as do typical kitty littler scoops which have holes in the bottom to let excess litter slip through).

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      Scoop up a decent amount of litter from the cat box. This needs to be used litter, where the cat has urinated. Place the litter in a plastic tub, bowl or pan. Don't cover the container--that will dampen the smell, and you want the mice to get a good whiff of it.

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      Place the container near the area where you believe the mice are getting in, and repeat the process as often as necessary with new containers to cover every entryway in the house. The mice will smell the cat urine, which tells them that there's a predator nearby. They should depart posthaste and find someplace new to live.