Symptoms of a Cat in Heat

A female cat can stay in the heat condition for both short or extended periods of time, which varies with each cat. Knowing the symptoms of a cat in heat can prepare you for what to expect, how to react and what steps to take during the time they are experiencing this natural cycle.
  1. Identification

    • Females will emanate continuous plaintive meowing and purring sounds that can quickly escalate to extremely loud and persistent cries in order to attract available males.


    • Symptoms can include spraying any area in order to place her scent, kneading soft objects and rubbing her body against furniture, people and other animals.


    • The cat may position her body in the mating posture with forearms flat to the floor and hindquarters raised, be overly affectionate or lie on the floor flipping from side to side.


    • Females in heat can not be easily dissuaded from their natural behavior by feeding or reprimands. Indoor cats can become destructive due to clawing at window screens in an attempt to reach a male.


    • To eliminate the heat cycle and the symptoms associated with it, spaying is the standard procedure.