Recognize the feelings experienced during the grieving process. Anger, guilt, depression and sadness are common emotions after the death of a loved one. If your pet was suffering from an ailment before it died, find comfort in knowing that your pet is now at peace.
Talk to someone who has experienced the loss of a pet. If you don't know anyone who has lost a pet, look for a support group.
Spend more time with loved ones. They may take your mind off of your loss and give you something to smile about.
Know that time is your friend in this situation. As time passes, so will your feelings of deep grief. You will never forget your pet, but after a while you'll be able to smile when you think of moments you had together.
After giving yourself time to grieve, consider getting another pet. While a new pet cannot replace the one that died, letting another pet into your home and your heart may fill some of the emptiness you feel.
How to Get Over the Loss of a Pet
For many, the death of a beloved pet can be as traumatic as losing a family member. Take steps to cope with the death and address the grief that you feel. Not everyone deals with death in the same way; give yourself time to heal on your terms.