How to Keep a Cat out of Landscaping

Anyone who has ever spent countless hours installing landscaping and maintaining his property, only to find that it has been dug up by a stray cat, knows how disappointing such a discovery can be. Not only does it mean that you will need to spend more time and energy restoring all of your hard work, but it may cost you money, as well. You can prevent feline fiascoes in your yard with these simple steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Natural citrus spray repellent
  • Lemon peels
  • Orange peels
  • Ammonia
  • Spray bottles
  • Water
  • Fencing products
  • Motion sprinklers
  • Crushed stones
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      Spray your landscaped area with a natural citrus spray repellent, or strategically place some lemon or orange peels around your yard. Cats despise the smell of citrus, and it is a sure fire way to keep the cats away from your plants, shrubs and decorative trees.

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      Try using ammonia in the areas that the cat seems to favor. If you have a portion of your landscape that the cat seems to prefer for the uses of digging, spraying or destruction, pouring some ammonia, diluted with water, into a spray bottle and wetting down the area may help.

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      Place a barrier between the cat and your landscaping. Wire fencing is a practical solution, unless you would prefer a less noticeable option like an ultrasonic fencing device that will emit sounds that are unpleasant to the cat, and keep him away. Motion sprinklers are also a great idea, and once the cat is sprayed with the cold water a few times, he will get the message.

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      Add some crushed stone to your landscaping. Cats find the sharpness of the stones uncomfortable to walk on, and will usually take their digging elsewhere once they notice that you have filled their play yard with it.

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      Squirt the cat with a spray bottle full of clear water when you notice him digging around in your landscaping. Catching him off guard and giving him a spray will make him think twice about coming back the next time.