Changing Cat Litter

One of the most important responsibilities that comes with owning a cat is the proper maintenance of kitty's litter box. Not only is it important to your cat's health and comfort, but also for the sake of keeping your home clean and fresh-smelling.


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      Choose a type of litter. There are two kinds of cat litter: clumping and non-clumping. The advantage of clumping litter is that cat urine can be more or less cleanly removed because it will form hardened lumps in the litter, leaving the remaining litter cleaner. This means you don't have to change it quite as often.Non-clumping litter is coarser will simply become wet when kitty urinates on it. However, non-clumping litter has the advantage of being easier to clean up if spilled on the floor or kitty tosses some out of the box.

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      Scoop your cat litter daily. Whatever litter you use, cat litter boxes should be scooped on a regular basis. This process involves scooping out waste products with a slotted shovel made especially for this purpose. These are available in pet sections of department stores or at specialty pet stores.

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      Replace all litter periodically. How often is up to your discretion, but it probably shouldn't be less often than every four weeks for clumping litter and every three for non-clumping. Use paper bags, rather than plastic, for litter disposal as they're actually less likely to leak.

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      Wash the littler box occasionally. Clumping litter may leave deposits on the edge of the box. The most agreeable way to clean these is outdoors with a hose that has a high-pressure nozzle attachment.