How to Tell Male Kittens From Females

When kittens are just born, it can be difficult to tell if they are male or female. It is important to identify them as soon as possible, and it may be more difficult to tell than you think. Unlike wild cats such as lions, male house cats do not grow a different mane or appear larger in stature. In order to determine the gender of your kitten, follow the steps below.


    • 1

      Gently lift the tail of your kitten up in the air.

    • 2

      Determine where the anus of your kitten is located. It can be found directly where the cat's tail and body meet.

    • 3

      Determine the length of the anus from the urinary tract, which should be directly underneath the anus.

    • 4

      Measure how close the urinary tract is to the anus. If the urinary tract is very close underneath the anus, the kitten is female. If there is some more space between the urinary tract and the anus, the kitten is male.

    • 5

      Compare to other cats or kittens. Because kittens are so small, it can be difficult to determine how much space determines a male and how much space determines a female. It is helpful to have another kitten or cat nearby to compare. If you are unsure of the gender of your kitten, take it to a vet or animal hospital and they will determine it for you.