How to Get Rid of Pet Allergies

Many people love having animals in their home, but keeping house pets can be trying if you or your family members are allergic to cats or dogs. However, you can limit and control allergic reactions with a few simple precautions.

Things You'll Need

  • Pet shampoo
  • A veterinarian
  • Allergy pills
  • Cleaning supplies
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      Before you purchase your pet, consider which types of cats or dogs minimize allergies. Long-haired animals are more likely to induce allergies than short-haired ones, so try to get a not-so-fluffy cat or dog. If you must have a long-haired animal, have its fur trimmed regularly at a grooming salon or vet's office.Also, some studies suggest that female cats or dogs are often easier on allergies than males.

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      Keep your cat or dog clean! Give him or her a bath every week, and brush and comb your pet as often as you can. If you find that your allergies get worse while brushing your cat or dog, have a friend or family member do it for you. Keeping your pet clean will help minimize the amount of dander they spread around your home.

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      Keep your house clean. Vacuum often, and wash your sheets in hot water. In fact, if you can, try to keep your cat or dog out of the bedroom— it'll make sleeping that much easier on you. Try to wipe down the surfaces in your home regularly, and consider purchasing an air filtration system.Also, try to wash your hands after you play with your cat, so that you don't spread the dander from your hands to your home.

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      If you have a cat, make it an indoor cat. Dogs must be allowed outside occasionally, but if you keep litterbox-trained cats indoors, they'll be less likely to bring in allergens when they return to the house.

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      Consider allergy medication to keep symptoms at bay. Over-the-counter medication works fine for most mild to moderate allergies, but if you want something stronger, ask your doctor for prescription allergy relief.