How to Entertain a Kitten

Kittens are cute, they are cuddly, but they are also attention-seekers, in a major way! In order to maintain your own sanity, as well as help your kitten develop into an intelligent and mature cat, these are some steps to take to entertain your kitten.

Things You'll Need

  • Kitten toys: balls, canvas mice, small stuffed animals, a scratching post, dangly toys (strings with balls/puffs/feathers on the end, attached to sticks work best)
  • Note: All toys/supplies here may be found at your local pet store, varieties will vary
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  1. Entertaining a kitten

    • 1

      Purchase a variety of kitten toys, scatter across your floor, and watch the fun begin! Balls, stuffed mice, feathery items--let your kitten dive into the pile and discover her favorites. She will love chasing the balls and cuddly the catnip toys, and you can watch to learn which items she is more attracted to. This way, on your next trip to the pet store, you can purchase the toys you know she'll love, and leaving behind the types she doesn't seem to care for.

    • 2

      Purchase a scratching post and place in the center of the room. The post should be at least 2.5 feet tall--though it may seem big compared to your little one, she will soon grow and need a larger structure. Make sure the post is in the center of the room so that she can use it to its fullest--running at it, swinging and wrapping around it, etc. If the post is against the wall, the kitten may not find it very useful or understand its purpose right away. Not only will this kitty jungle gym entertain your kitten, it will give her something to claw besides your furniture.

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      Treats. Yes, treats are yummy and delicious gifts to give your kitten, but they are also entertaining. What fun is setting a treat down for your kitty plain and simple when you can toss it across the room for your kitten to chase? Watch, she will stalk it like a mouse and pounce! This works best for tile or wood floors.

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      Make a window accessible. If you have a window with a ledge or near a sofa back or chair that makes looking out an option for your kitten, do so. Kittens love to people watch, and bird and squirrel watch too. Having at least one window for them to watch the outside world can provide hours upon hours of entertainment, especially for lonely kittens while the family is off at work and school. Providing a special pillow or bed for your kitten to sit in while window-peering is always an added touch too.

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      Run and play! Whether it's with you or your kids, kittens love to run and play chase with people, not just with themselves. Give yourself and energy boost and run and jump around with your kitten for at least a few minutes a day. This entertaining exercise will help you bond, and also tucker the little guy out for a nice relaxing cuddle session afterward.