How to Read Your Cat's Tail Movements

A cat's tail is like words to us humans. It can say a number of different things and it can say them with varying degrees of forcefulness. Here is how to know what your cat's tail movements are saying.

Things You'll Need

  • Keen observation
  • Your Cat
  • Patience
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  1. What Did That Tail Movement Mean?

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      Observe your cat's tail and you will sometimes see it quiver or shake. This can mean different things depending on how fast and where it is quivering. A quick shiver of the tip of the tail usually means that he is mildly irritated. An all over shiver of the tail is generally meaning that he is happy and feeling frisky.

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      Watch your kitty swish her tail back and forth and you are seeing your cat at its most primal. When a cat in the wild is stalking prey, they will swish their tail back and forth so that the prey will move. This allows the cat to zero in and attack. Your house kitty does the same thing when they flip their tail quickly back and forth.

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      View your cat's tail when they are relaxed. You will note that they often will wave it side to side. This is a happy kitty cat that is ready to get loved on.

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      Watch out for a quick flipping motion of your cat's tail. This means that he is ready to attack if you do not back off. This is a warning that they have had enough petting and want to be left alone.

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      Observe your cat with his tail held high and he is letting you know that he are in the room and in charge. This is often one of the healthiest signals a cat can show as it means that she feels like she is where she should be. A happy and content cat will hold that tail high.

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      Laugh at the kitty who flips their tail while they sleep. This is your cat dreaming and more than likely chasing a bird or rabbit. This is one of the cutest things you can watch your cat do.