How to Rid of Cat Fleas in the House

Many cat owners have to deal with fleas one time or another involving their house. If you have a cat(s), it is very likely you will encounter this problem yourself. You can get rid of cat fleas from your house by following these steps. It will greatly depend on the degree of the flea infestation in your house, however you can get rid of fleas in your house.


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      Stop fleas at their source. The most important step you must take is to get rid of the fleas on your cat. There are several ways to do this and you will need to decide which would work best for you and your cat(s). You have the options of numerous flea shampoos, powders and sprays. Some of the over the counter ones may work or you can sometimes purchase them in prescription form from your veterinarian. A flea comb can rid your cat of fleas also, but this can be time-consuming and hard to do with some cats. It is a good idea to use a monthly flea prevention medication during flea season or all year long to stop a re-occurrence of the flea infestation.

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      Get rid of the fleas already in your house. The cat fleas can easily spread throughout your house, therefore you must do a complete house cleaning to get rid of them all. Wash and dry all items possible that come in contact with your cat. Vacuum your house thoroughly and be sure to throw out the vacuum bag (or empty a bag-less style one) as soon as you finish to prevent the fleas from escaping.

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      Go one step further. If you have a severe flea problem in your house, use bug bombs (house foggers) to get rid of fleas. You must remove every one of your animals from your house while you are doing this and for several hours after for ventilation. Carefully follow all of the directions given. You can also use either flea powders or sprays (or both) for hard to reach areas or as an added protection.