How to Know What Your Cat's Tail is Telling You

A cat's behavior is sometimes hard to interpret. Unlike with the overly affectionate dog, a wag of the tail doesn't always mean that the cat is happy and excited. Want to be able to read your cat's mood from the action of her tail? Read on.

Things You'll Need

  • A cat with a tail
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  1. How to Know What Your Cat's Tail is Telling You

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      While a wagging tail always means a happy dog, a wagging tail on a cat could mean a number of things. If a cat's tail is swishing back and forth rapidly it could mean that he is angry or agitated. If his tail swishes in a slow and gentle way the cat is playful and happy.

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      If a cat approaches you with his tail down, it means he is submissive, wary or scared. Try to put your puss at ease.

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      A cat's upright tail can mean a few things depending on what's going on at the tip. If it's upright with a quivery tail it means your cat is excited about something. If the tip is flicking back and forth quickly it means the cat is concentrating on something that excites it and may pounce at any minute! If the tail is up but fluffy or bristled it means the cat is irritated and ready to attack in an aggressive manner.

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      When the cat's tail is wrapped around itself the cat is usually relaxed and content.