Pet and stroke the cat until she's had her fill. You'll know when that point is when she falls asleep or jumps out of your arms. Purring is a very good sign. That would be the noise that sounds like it should be coming out of a refrigerator instead of a live animal. And with cats that are silent purrers, you just have to feel for the vibration. But in any case, a purring cat is usually a content cat.
Pay attention to the cat's meows. This usually means they want something and it's their best way to communicate. The meow could mean, "feed me," "love me" or "change my litter." Learn what the different sounds mean so that you can fulfill the cat's wishes. Talking back to them will also increase the bond.
Brush your cat often. It's a good chance to bond. Keep in mind some techniques may annoy them and some cats don't like to be brushed at all. Test out different brushes and only do what they seem to enjoy.
Play with your cat. Try various toys and different approaches to see what works best. Interactive play will strengthen the bond.
Give your cat nicknames. Nothing says, "I love you" more than goofy pet names for your kitty.
Cuddle with your cat, whether it's coming home from a long day or taking time out of your busy schedule. He'll appreciate it--and so will you.
Let your cat sleep in the bed with you. What better way to bond than snuggling up for a nap or a good night's rest?
How to Bond With a Cat
Some cats may seem more independent than others--but just about all cats need your love and affection. Here are some ways to bond with a kitty.