How to Take a Cat on a Road Trip

The moving van is scheduled. Packing to move hundreds or even thousands of miles away feels like the easy part. Now your question is how to keep your cat safe and comfortable for days in the car. He loves you but does love the comfort of familiar surroundings more. Relax. You'll both be fine. Here are a few solutions to arrange the car as a cat comfort palace, prepare food, and plan accommodations. Confidence and peace of mind can travel along, as you and your beloved companion hit the road.

Things You'll Need

  • Towels
  • Blankets
  • Cardboard box--big enough for your cat to nestle in
  • Litter box
  • 1 can of cat food or tuna for each day of travel
  • 3 jars of chicken baby food for each day of travel
  • Pouches of moist cat snacks
  • Bag of loose catnip
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      Stuff rolled up cloth towels under both front seats, so your friend can't crawl under them. Place an open and filled litter box on the floor in front of the front passenger seat. Leave the lid off the litter box.

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      Drape the front passenger seat with a soft blanket. Place a pillow on the seat. Your cat palace interior decorating has begun.

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      Cover the back seat with blankets. Place the cardboard box on one side of the back seat. Wrap blankets in and around the box to make a cozy cat den hideout. Leave enough of an opening for her to walk in and out. Now he has several snooze choices, in both the front and back seats.

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      Pack moist food for the road. Keep a pouch of moist cat snacks in the car. Offer canned cat food or tuna in the morning and evening. And dish out jars of chicken baby food. With jostled routines and environments, he may not feel like eating as much as usual. But even a disgruntled car-traveling cat loves chicken baby food. An average-sized cat needs 250 to 300 calories per day. One jar of baby food has 100 calories. Bring a stockpile, and you're good to go.

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      Research cat-friendly hotels before you take your trip. Lots of hotels and motels let you share your room with a cat and at no extra charge. At the end of a long day on the road, you both get to stretch out and rest. Sprinkle catnip on the floor or bed and let your cat chew. A little catnip will cheer her, and encourage her to exercise by jumping and rolling. It will also stimulate his appetite.