Take it to the vet to rule out any medical problems. If the kitten is constantly crying, you should make an appointment with a vet. It may have a medical condition that is making it uncomfortable.
Reduce the crying by getting the kitten fixed. Once the kitten is old enough, you may wish to get it fixed. Neutered cats are less likely to cry as much.
Try to ignore the crying. At first, you should try to ignore the crying. By reacting, your cat may get a signal that crying gets your attention. However, you may not be able to deal with it for long if it continues to cry.
Play with the kitten before bed. Many kittens have a tendency to cry during the evening hours. Prevent this from occurring by playing with it and keeping it active before bedtime.
Keep it nearby. Allowing the kitten to sleep in your room or in your bed may give it the comfort that it needs to calm down.
Consider another kitten to act as a companion. If all else fails, another kitten may be the trick to stop a crying kitty.
How to Deal With a Crying Kitty
A kitten that cries all the time can really start to grate on your nerves. After a few nights of its constant crying, you may start to wonder why you got the kitten in the first place. Here are some ways that you can deal with a kitten's crying and make both of you much happier.