How to Massage a Cat

Giving your cat a massage is a great way to forge a strong relationship with your pet. Not only is it an enjoyable activity for both you and the cat, but massage also gives you the opportunity to check the surface of kitty's body for abnormalities like tumors or skin irritations. Massage also increases the cat's circulation and improves overall health and well-being. Read on to learn more.


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      Start by simply resting your hands on the cat. This touch is calming for the animal and helps to build trust.

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      Focus on the cat's favorite areas to get him in the mood. Tickle behind the ears, on the neck or across the back, for example, depending on what your cat enjoys.

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      Engage in effleurage, the gentle stroking motion of massage. Rub your palms and fingers over the cat to warm the tissues and encourage blood flow, working your way from the back, to the shoulders, to the sides and then the chest.

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      Knead very gently by pressing your fingers and thumb into the tissue in a circular motion. Knead the cat's body parts in the same order as the gentle stroking.

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      Rub the belly gently if she likes it. Not all cats enjoy this, though, and some my take the opportunity to claw your hands.

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      Massage each leg while the cat lies on his side or back. Gently flex each paw and rub the paw pads.

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      Take note of sensitive, tender or swollen areas on your cat as you perform the massage. Also look for soft, hard or warm areas on the body. All of these could be signs of illness or trauma, and you should consult a veterinarian.

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      End the massage with soft petting of the cat's entire body.