How to Stop a Cat From Wool Sucking

Some cats like to suck, lick and chew on items such as wool and other fabrics and items. This behavior is commonly known as wool sucking because this tends to be the material most cats prefer. Experts believe this is a common reaction to having been weaned too early from the mother and can be dangerous. A cat who indulges in wool sucking can swallow items resulting in intestinal obstruction.


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      Tap your cat gently on the nose or give a squirt from a water bottle to stop your cat from wool sucking. Be consistent with this discipline, making sure to firmly say "no" whenever your cat starts to suck or chew non-food items.

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      Remove all non-food related items your cat likes to suck or chew. Put away laundry, blankets and plastic bags. Some owners with cats that like to lick and chew their hair end up covering their hair at night while they sleep.

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      Apply something non-toxic and unpleasant tasting on the item the cat likes to lick, suck or chew to discourage the behavior.

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      Play with your cat regularly each day to make sure she gets enough exercise through stimulating play to help avoid frustration and wool sucking.

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      Provide dog chew toys for your cat to lick and chew as an alternative to wool sucking. He may be satisfied and leave everything else alone.

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      Ask your vet about prescription medications that help stop a cat from compulsive wool sucking. Medications like clomiprimine, floxetine or amitriptyline may help to curb or stop the behavior.