How to Dodge a Cat Bite

It is a natural response for cats to bite when they are in a nervous or agitated state. Cats are born hunters and it is instinctual for them to bite. If you have young children around, it is especially important that you learn to dodge a bite from your pet.


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      Approach the cat in a calm state. Keep your tone low and get down to their level. Avoid making any quick movements or speaking in a loud and threatening voice.

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      Stay away from an unfamiliar cat. Stray cats are more likely to attack if approached. To prevent a cat bite, keep away from cats that you do not know. If you are attempting to restrain the animal, use a cat carrier.

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      Let your children know that they must not tease a cat. Cats are not toys and should not be chased or pulled at by a child. If a cat feels threatened, it will attack.

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      Try to avoid eye contact with a cat. A cat may become intimidated and bite if you attempt to stare it down.

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      Look for the warning signs. A cat will usually hiss before it bites or scratches a person. You may also notice that they begin swiping at you or move their ears in a backwards position.