Why cats are abandoned?

1. Behavioral issues. Some cats develop behavioral problems that can make them difficult to live with. These problems can include aggression, inappropriate elimination, and excessive vocalization. In some cases, behavioral problems may be caused by a medical condition, so it's important to rule out any physical problems before assuming that the behavior is purely behavioral.

2. Allergies. Some people develop allergies to cats, and this can make it impossible for them to keep their cat. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent allergies from developing, and the only way to treat them is to avoid exposure to the allergen.

3. Moving. When people move, they may not be able to take their cat with them. This can be due to a number of factors, such as the new place not being pet-friendly, the cost of transporting the cat, or the cat not being able to adapt to a new environment.

4. Death of the owner. When the owner of a cat dies, the cat may end up being abandoned if there is no one to take care of it. This is a very sad situation, but it's one that happens all too often.

5. Illness or injury. If a cat becomes seriously ill or injured, the owner may not be able to afford the cost of treatment. In these cases, the owner may feel that they have no choice but to give up the cat so that it can receive the care that it needs.

6. Lack of resources. Some people simply cannot afford to provide for a cat. The cost of food, water, shelter, litter, and veterinary care can add up quickly, and some people may not be able to keep up with the expense.

7. Lack of commitment. Some people get cats without realizing how much time and effort it takes to care for them. They may not be prepared for the financial responsibility, the time commitment, or the lifestyle changes that come with having a cat. As a result, they may end up abandoning the cat when it becomes too much for them to handle.

8. Unpredictability of life circumstances. Life can change in a way that people cannot always foresee, and sometimes circumstances cause people to relinquish ownership of their cats even though they love them very much. Examples include divorce or separation, job loss, unexpected medical expenses, and long-term travel or relocation that does not allow for cat transport.

It's important to note that not all cats that are abandoned are unwanted cats. In some cases, cats may be abandoned by their owners in the belief that it is the best thing for them. This may be the case if the cat has a serious medical condition that the owner cannot afford to treat, or if the cat is in danger from other animals or from the elements.

If you are thinking about getting a cat, it's important to be aware of the potential risks of abandonment. You should only get a cat if you are confident that you can provide for it for its entire life.