Is there any significance to the color of cats eyes?

Eye color and health

Eye color can indeed provide some clues about your cat's health. Here are some eye color-related health considerations to keep in mind:

Blue eyes: While stunning, blue eyes in cats have been associated with potential hearing impairments. This is especially common in white cats with blue eyes or odd-eyed cats (those with one blue eye and one eye of another color). If you have a blue-eyed cat, it's a good idea to keep an eye out for any signs of hearing issues, such as not responding to your voice or other sounds.

Cloudy, hazy, or discolored eyes: Any significant changes in your cat's eye color, particularly if one eye differs, may indicate certain eye diseases, cataract formation, infections, or even retinal detachment. Cloudy eyes, in particular, could be a sign of cataracts and warrant a veterinary evaluation.

Red, bloodshot eyes: Redness or an increased presence of blood vessels in the whites of the cat's eyes could signal the presence of allergies, scratches, corneal scarring, or injuries.

Always monitor your cat's eyes.