Kitten's Behavior of Licking People

Kittens are undeniably sweet creatures, and their tiny tongues are certainly no exception, whether they're lapping up water or licking your hand. If your kitten likes to lavish you with sweet licking "kisses," it can in some cases have something to do with her earlier weeks and months of kittenhood.
  1. Licking in Kittens

    • Licking behavior in kittens can be associated with premature separation from mother cats and littermates. It also can be associated with motherless youngsters, or perhaps even kittens who were taken off of their mother's milk too early on. In cats, licking is a highly juvenile action, and one that can be reminiscent of times of suckling and nursing with mommy, and maybe even of mutual grooming and bonding with siblings. If a kitten missed out on a lot of those key experiences during her crucial formative weeks, she might make up for it later on by doing a lot of licking of the people in her life. Some cats also extend this behavior well into their adult years.

    Staying With the Family

    • Since a lot of kittens miss out on many growth and developmental experiences as a result of being taken away too early from their immediate family, it is often recommended that they remain with mama and littermates for anywhere between 7 weeks and 3 months in age, notes the ASPCA. If a kitten is allotted ample time to just be a kitten in a cat world, it might stop this type of licking behavior from occurring in the first place.


    • Some kitten -- and adult cat -- licking behavior is as simple as a tender display of love and caring and nothing more complex than that. Perhaps your wee kitty is grateful to you for constantly gently nuzzling her head and back -- and wants to make you feel equally cozy and good -- aww.


    • Mutual grooming or "allogrooming" behaviors are common in cats trying to establish tight connections with each other. If your kitten licks your hand a lot, she may be trying to not only tidy you up a bit, but also to "label" you as being hers to the world. Felines can be serious when it comes to their turf and belongings.


    • If you are worried that your kitten's licking behavior may be excessive, take her to the veterinarian to rule out any possible illnesses. Immoderate licking can occasionally indicate that something is amiss in your pet, health-wise -- think allergies.