A common sign that your cat is socialized is its willingness to be pet. If your cat will easily let you pet or stroke him without shying away, he is likely socialized. If your kitten does not like to be pet, you can use food to help socialize her. Give your cat some food or treats and gently begin petting her head, neck and body. Providing your kitten with food while petting her at the same time makes her connect you with the food she loves so much.
Body Language
A kitten̵7;s body language can give you a lot of clues as to whether or not he̵7;s socialized. Socialized kittens have relaxed posture in the presence of humans and may display common body language signals that are associated with socialized kittens, such as grooming, purring, smelling and kneading in the presence of humans. Body language signals that may be signs that your kitten is not socialized are anxious or nervous body language, including hissing, positioning ears down, looking away, holding a front paw up and growling.
Does He Play?
Kittens that are socialized are eager to play with humans and with their littermates. Try to engage your cat in play by dangling a piece of string in front of her or using a cat toy to entice her. A kitten willing to play with you or with a toy is considered socialized, whereas a kitten who runs and hides and does not engage in play may be having socialization problems.
Is He Curious?
Curiosity is a good sign that your kitten is socialized. Cats are curious creatures by nature, and a kitten who is socialized will usually approach humans if they are in the cat's environment long enough. If your kitten does not come to you but stands at a distance, he may be struggling with socialization issues and may need special attention. Spend some quality time alone with the kitten several times a day until he is more comfortable and secure around you.
Contact Vet
If you are having trouble socializing your kitten, make an appointment with your local vet to make sure there are no physical reasons for his socialization problems.
How to Tell if a Kitten Is Socialized?
Kittens learn socialization skills from their mothers, litter mates and humans in their environments. They are easily socialized between 3 weeks to 8 weeks of age, but they become increasingly more difficult to socialize as they get older. Kittens need early repetitive human contact in order to become successfully socialized housecats. Well-socialized kittens are usually eager for human attention and enjoy frequent play and interaction. If a kitten is not well-socialized, he may be timid, shying away from his littermates and from humans. There are many ways to tell whether your kitten is socialized.