How to Make a Kitten Less Afraid

As is the case with humans, different cats possess varying degrees of social comfort. While some cats feel at home around humans, others take longer to warm up to their owners. Whether your kitten seems afraid of you or your house guests, several changes in the way you approach the feline will put it at ease.


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      Coax the kitten out of hiding with the sound or smell of cat food.

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      Remain calm and quiet around the kitten. Loud noises or sudden movements may add to its anxiety.

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      Squat or kneel when engaging your kitten. This reduction in size will make you appear less intimidating. Hold out your hand so the feline will see an invitation to come to you. Avoid direct eye contact, which may convince it to decline the invitation.

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      Offer the cat a treat. The cat̵7;s interest in the treat may overpower its fear.

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      Play with the kitten using an item such as a laser pointer or dangling object. This will give your kitten a workout and provide you both with bonding time.

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      Brush your kitten daily. Not only will this reduce the amount of hairballs you find around your house, but this will also provide peaceful moments with your feline, making it more likely to trust humans.