* Dry mouth and gums. Another sign of dehydration in cats is a dry mouth and gums. You can check your cat's mouth by gently lifting their lip. If their gums are dry and sticky, they may be dehydrated.
* Lethargy. Dehydrated cats may also appear lethargic or tired. They may not be as interested in playing or eating as they normally are.
* Constipation. Dehydration can also cause constipation in cats. If your cat is not defecating as often as they normally do, they may be dehydrated.
* Dark urine. Dehydrated cats may also produce dark urine. This is because the urine becomes more concentrated when the body is not getting enough fluids.
If you think your cat may be dehydrated, it's important to take them to the vet right away. Dehydration can be a serious condition, and it can even be fatal if left untreated.