Here's a breakdown of who might interact with a tiger and how:
* Wildlife professionals: These individuals, like zookeepers, animal trainers, and conservationists, work with tigers in a controlled environment. They use positive reinforcement techniques, like rewarding desired behaviors with food or toys, to shape their behavior. This is not true training, but rather a way to manage the animals for safety and conservation.
* Poachers: Sadly, some individuals capture tigers illegally and train them through harsh methods, like beatings and starvation, for illegal purposes like entertainment or illegal trade. This is considered animal cruelty and is highly unethical.
* Researchers: Scientists studying tigers in the wild might observe their natural behaviors and study their reactions to certain stimuli. This is not training, but rather research and observation.
It's important to remember that tigers are powerful predators with strong instincts. They can never be truly domesticated and should be treated with respect and caution.