How to Show My Kitten I'm the Boss

Kittens love to run, play and explore -- if it comes at the cost of your furniture or sanity, though -- it's time to show your kitten who is the boss. This may require you to monitor your kitten's problem behavior to determine when it misbehaves and what it does. For example, if your kitten always wants to play with you as you go to bed, this is the time of day when you need to take steps to show her the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Things You'll Need

  • Toys
  • Scratching post
  • Catnip
  • Treats
  • Noise-making device, like a can of compressed air
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      Keep track of your kitten's problem behavior and look for any patterns. When dealing with problem behavior, you need to train your kitten early, before its behavior becomes habitual.

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      Use audible and remote forms of punishment. Striking your cat, even gently, it an ineffective deterrent for bad behavior. Instead, kittens respond to audible punishments -- or those that are not directly connected to you. For example, make loud noises with a can of compressed air or a bell. Startling your kitten when it behaves badly can teach it not to repeat certain behaviors.

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      Reward your kitten for good behavior. Teaching your kitten that you are the boss isn't just about punishment -- it's also about reward. Give her a treat when she behaves well, such as when she plays with you without scratching or biting.

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      Give your kitten outlets for its energy and aggression. Kittens love to play, and when they don't have the opportunity, they may act out and forget that you run the house. By giving it enticing toys like balls, catnip and scratching posts, you keep your kitten entertained -- and its attitude in-check.