How to Block Cats From a Room Without a Door

A pet owner may have certain rooms in the house that he doesn't want a cat to enter. But since there is no door, closing it off may not be an option. But there are natural cat repellents that keep cats away from rooms or objects. Because all cats are different, there is no one perfect way to deter a cat. But by trying different cat repellent methods, you are certain to find a way to keep the family cat out of rooms that don't have doors.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle (2)
  • Citrus-scented air freshener or candle
  • Vinegar
  • Orange, lemon and/or lime peels
  • Small bowl
  • Baby gate
  • Ginger powder
  • Lavender or eucalyptus oil
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    • 1

      Peel the skins off one orange, one lemon and one lime, or substitute any citrus fruit you have on hand. Place the peels and rinds in a small bowl and place the bowl near the entrance to the room. The smell of citrus is offensive to cats so they will stay away from the room. Replace the rinds as they get older and lose their smell.

    • 2

      Place a citrus-scented air freshener or strongly scented citrus candle near the entrance of the room. The citrus smell acts as a cat repellent. The candle doesn't have to be lit for it to be effective as cats have acute olfactory senses.

    • 3

      Fill a spray bottle with equal parts of vinegar and water. Spray the areas around the entrance to the room. Reapply when the vinegar smell dissipates. Vinegar is another smell that cats don't like so they will stay away from the room.

    • 4

      Fill a bottle with tap water. When the cat is about to enter the room, spray him with the water. After continuous use of the water spray the cat learns to associate the spray of water with going near the room.

    • 5

      Shout "no" or "stop" every time the cat gets near the room. This trains the cat to avoid the room.

    • 6

      Place a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus oil near the door. These herbs have a smell that cats don't like.

    • 7

      Sprinkle ginger powder along the entrance. Ginger is another smell that cats don't like.

    • 8

      Put up a baby gate if practical. A baby gate prevents a cat from entering the room. Choose a baby gate high enough so that the cat can't jump over it.