How to Keep Cats Out of a Room Without Closing the Door

Cats are curious creatures that like to explore. As members of the family they often think they can go into any room of the house. But human owners may feel that certain rooms are off-limits to a cat. At the same time pet owners don't want to close the door to the room. Fortunately, there are a few techniques that a person can employ that act as cat deterrents. Not all cats will respond to each method, but trial and error will uncover the best methods for your particular cat.

Things You'll Need

  • Baby gate
  • Spray bottle (2)
  • Citrus-scented air freshener or candle
  • Vinegar
  • Orange, lemon and/or lime peels or rinds
  • Small bowl
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      Fill a spray bottle with water. Spray the cat every time he gets near the room. Cats hate water, so continuing to spray the cat will train him to stay away from the room.

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      Make a noise when the cat is about to enter the room. Shout "No" or clap your hands loudly to startle the cat. In time, the cat learns to stay away from that room.

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      Put a citrus-scented air freshener in the room. Cats hate certain smells and citrus fruits such as lemons, limes or oranges, repel cats.

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      Fill a spray bottle with one part vinegar and one part water. Spray the bottom area of the door on a regular basis. Cats hate the smell of vinegar. Try white vinegar or apple cider vinegar to see which one your cats hates the most. Respray once the vinegar smell evaporates.